Scottish Robigus fairs well

Despite thunderstorms having stopped combining last night (Aug 31), harvest is going well for Jim Macfarlane in Berwick-upon-Tweed, Scotland.

He is one third of the way through 107ha of wheat and Robigus is performing very well at 12t/ha. This is ahead of Consort at 10.5 – 11t/ha and second wheat Consort at 9t/ha. Nijinsky is “not looking brilliant” and he is nervous about sprouting problems.

Quality is generally good with satisfactory protein and Hagbergs. But he said badgers have tramples a few acres which can’t be lifted by the combine.

Crops suffered considerably from sprouting problems last year, so he said things were much better this season. “We’re on a different planet this year.”

Mr Macfarlane has drilled less oilseed rape “as it is not paying at the moment”, but is planning to grow winter barley for the first time in recent years, after being offered a good contract. He plans to restrict Consort to a second wheat and try Alchemy alongside Robigus.

  • Crop/Variety: Robigus winter wheat

  • Area: 107ha wheat in total

  • Yield: 12t/ha

  • Quality: N/A


  • Crop/Variety: Consort winter wheat

  • Area: 107ha of wheat in total

  • Yield: 10.5 – 11t/ha first wheats, 9t/ha second wheats

  • Quality: N/A

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