Scottish wheat yields doing well

Scottish Agronomy’s Allen Scobie said spring barley harvest progress is slow in some areas.

In the Central belt, 70 – 80% has been cut, but only 10 – 20% Kincardineshire and Aberdeenshire. He said this was probably due to crops ripening slower in these areas after not establishing properly in the “less than ideal conditions” last autumn.

Growers in coastal areas have been suffering from wet weather and so little harvesting has been done.

Spring barley yields have been average, but have suffered from high screening levels and lower than average nitrogen.

Mr Scobie suggested in some areas growers have been cutting wheat instead of spring barley, although wheat harvest is only just underway. A large amount of wheat has been cut in East Lothian and into the Borders, but only 15 – 20% has been cut in Fife and Angus, and even less in the north.

He said yields seem to be doing well at the moment and specific weights are looking good, but not enough has been cut yet for a full analysis.

Mr Scobie suggested Robigus has been performing particularly well in Scotland because growers mainly grow soft wheats, and are slowly replacing other soft wheat varieties such as Riband and Consort.

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