Scottish winter wheat does well

Aberdeenshire grower Nick Davidson said harvest had been “very good indeed” this year, having finished five days ago in Peterhead.

He was “very pleased” with yields from 20ha (50acres) of Riband, and quality was very good. Yields were in excess of 11t/ha (4.4t/acre), with some “exceptional” at 11.25-12.5t/ha (4.5-5t/acre).

The wheat was to go to local farmers as pig feed. “It benefits them and it benefits us, so it is all good.”

He said everyone in the area was more inclined to grow Robigus. “For me it is not as good as Riband – as long as you look after the crop it performs well.”

However, spring barley suffered in the hot weather in July, with yields of 28ha (70acres) of Prestige below average. “It had looked very good and hopes were high but it just ripened too quickly in the warm, hot weather.”

Quality of the spring barley was “exceptional” and it was all to go for malting export with screenings at 1.2% and nitrogen of 1.58%.

“We were expecting more from the season, but we’ve still some Cocktail to cut which looks a bit better than the Prestige.”

Harvest was very early for Mr Davidson. “It is quite remarkable compared to the late spring we had.”

He said the early harvest had not affected winter crops in the area, only the late drilled spring crops.

“Crops did very well on heavier land but they definitely suffered on the light land.  But if the spring crops were early enough drilled then they were fine.”

• Crop: Winter wheat
• Variety: Riband
• Area: 20ha (50acres)
• Yield: Average 11t/ha (4.4t/acre) with some at 11.25-12.5t/ha (4.5-5t/acre)
• Quality: Very good

• Crop: Spring barley
• Variety: Prestige and Cocktail
• Area: 28ha (70acres)
• Yield: N/A
• Quality: 1.2% screenings, 1.58% nitrogen

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