Timely break at Conicliffe Grange

Michael Manners has finished cutting oilseed rape and winter barley at Conicliffe Grange, Staindrop, Durham – and just in time.
“We finished yesterday (3 August) and it’s raining today – but nothing else is fit so it’s not spoiling.”
The Expower and Marcant oilseed rape had both averaged about 5t/ha (2t/acre), he said.
“We’re delighted with that – it’s the best oilseed rape we’ve had, and I hadn’t expected it.”
Volume winter barley, grown for seed, managed 8t/ha (3.2t/acre). “That’s very good for a seed crop, because they don’t normally yield as well as normal crops.”
Mr Manners now had a break before the 200ha (500 acres) of wheat would be ready.
“It will probably be fit sometime next week. I’m quite hopeful about it; I think the sample will be quite good as we god the rain just in time.”
Crop: Oilseed rape
Varieties: Marcant and Expower
Yield: 5t/ha (2t/acre)
Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Volume
Yield: 8t/ha (3.2t/acre)