Tools to boost pesticide performance in potatoes

Two new tools aimed at improving the efficacy and accuracy of pesticide applications on seed potatoes at planting are a welcome development in an ever-tightening aspect of potato growing.
Stricter guidelines and reduced efficacy have increased the pressure on growers to make the most of available pesticides and reduce any problems with pollution.
The first tool is a new applicator for powder potato seed treatments that will help to achieve even coverage of seed tubers during planting. Treatments include the widely used Monceren (pencycuron) and Rhino (flutolanil).
The Powder Pro, launched by Techneat Engineering, is designed to deliver powder at the optimum point on the planter, giving the best possible long-term results from seed treatment.
Tim Neat of Techneat Engineering says even coverage of the seed tuber is essential. “Fitting the applicator in the appropriate position on the planter’s seed delivery train helps to assure good coverage and minimal loss.”
The applicator can be fully controlled from the tractor cab and can be supplied with a bespoke mounting kit for most leading makes of potato planters.
In another development by the firm, a new pressure regulation system aims to improve the accuracy of application of the soil fungicide Amistar (azoxystrobin) during potato planting.
James English of Techneat Engineering says the new design valves and pumping system designed to improve the accuracy will be fitted on all Amistar V2 applicators for 2014.
“Our research into soil treatment spray delivery revealed the pumping action of the DCI unit on all manufacturers’ existing applicators could result in variable pressure and pulsating application rate at the nozzle.
“The Techneat engineers have solved the problem with the new valve and pumping system now regulating the pressure after the DCI unit,” he explained.