Variable quality in Cambs

Harvest is speeding along in East Anglia, with about 60% of wheat now cut, according to Philip Darke at Camgrain.
“Yields are extremely variable – some near Thetford have been the best for five or six years, others have been the worst ever.”
Bushel weights were similarly erratic, ranging from 52kg/hl to 78kg/hl. “We’re getting quite a lot that are under 70kg/hl – the group three and four varieties have taken a real hammering.”
Most of the group one and two milling wheats would average 74kg/hl after being cleaned up, said Mr Darke. “Probably two-thirds of it is good enough.”
Gallant had performed particularly badly, with low bushel weights and pinched grains, while Solstice and Cordiale had been more robust, he added.
Spring barley was coming off well, with good yields, low nitrogen contents, and just a little bit of skinning. “It’s looking like good stuff.”
Winter barley yields and quality had been excellent, but oilseed rape yields were about 10% down on last year, at around 3.7t/ha.