Variety choice key to OSR profit

rspb rape in flowerVARIETY CHOICE will be the most important factor in maximising returns from oilseed rape next season, according to one agronomist.

Disappointing prices mean many growers will be closely monitoring the performance of varieties in the ground, as the time for choosing next season’s varieties approaches, said Agrovista’s Mark Hemmant.

“With prices at £130/tonne, the usual programme of two phoma sprays, plus a PGR and sclerotinia spray leaves margins uncomfortably tight.”

Many growers should therefore be looking closely at varietal resistance to diseases such as phoma, he said.

For example, Es Astrid has excellent phoma resistance and last autumn most crops of this variety only required a single fungicide application, saving £20/ha, he said.

Most crops of Es Astrid this season look to be very even, but he urges growers to ‘watch this space’ when it comes to harvest. “Es Astrid is late flowering and completely missed those late frosts that hampered other varieties.”

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