Waiting for the sun near Devizes

Tim Carson hopes to start cutting winter wheat as soon as the weather dries up at Alton Barnes, Devizes, Wiltshire.
“We’ve finished our oilseed rape, and it yielded above average, so we’re pretty pleased with it.”
The 120ha (300 acres) of rapeseed averaged 4.4t/ha (1.8t/acre), with Astrid performing well and Cabernet bringing up the rear.
“It flowered and flowered, so was very late to set pods,” said Mr Carson.
“Early wheat yields seem to be holding up in this part of the world. Ours has recovered remarkably well after the spring drought; the fewer tillers have compensated with larger ears.”
Having been rained off yesterday (4 August), Mr Carson hoped to be back combining as soon as the crops dried out. “The wheat is ready to go.”
Crop: Oilseed rape
Varieties: Astrid and Cabernet
Area: 120ha (300 acres)
Yield: 4.4t/ha (1.8t/acre)