Worst harvest ever at White Hall Farm

Jamie Rogers finished harvest at White Hall Farm, Hampton Bishop, Herefordshire, just over a week ago, and is now concerned about oilseed rape germination.
“It was comfortably the worst harvest I have ever experienced, both in terms of yields and quality,” he said.
Most of the wheat was sown to Duxford, and yielded below 5t/ha – well down on last year’s average of more than 9.8t/ha.
“It was all below 60kg/hl, with some as low as 50kg/hl. Conqueror came in at 64kg/hl, and Santiago went flat and was a virtual write-off.
“I was trying to simplify the farm and have paid the price – I’ve had to buy myself out of one contract and am cleaning up the other samples to try and make the grade with them.”
Cabernet oilseed rape produced just 3t/ha, compared with a usual average of 4.6t/ha.
“I’m growing some Cassia winter barley this year to try and spread the risk – I had toyed with Gerald winter oats to extend the rotation but I’m too tight on storage space.”
Although Mr Rogers had drilled all the oilseed rape last week, the farm had since had three inches of rain. “I just hope it gets away, because it’s pretty cold and wet now.
“I haven’t drilled any wheat yet, but will be putting in Conqueror, Oakley, Diego and Santiago.”
Crop: Winter wheat
Variety: Duxford
Yield: <5t/ha
Crop: Oilseed rape
Variety: Cabernet
Yield: 3t/ha