Yara launches tank mix phone app
A new mobile phone app which allows growers to check the compatibility of fertiliser and crop protection sprays quickly in the field has been launched by Yara at Cereals.
The Yara Tankmix Applet provides safe information on YaraVita foliar range products and whether they can be used safely in a tank-mix with herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.
Andrew Sefton, Yara services manager, said the app was designed to prevent growers taking unnecessary risks by attempting to blend and spray incompatible mixes.
“Growers simply want to know ‘Will this mixture spray without blocking my sprayer nozzles? Tankmix is a very useful farm management tool which can answer this question quickly and accurately.”
The app has a database which contains thousands of different tank-mix tests. It connects directly to Yara’s data server and quickly downloads the most up-to-date trials information.
By inputting information into the app on Yara products, pesticides and active ingredients, growers can get a quick answer on the safety and reliability of a tank-mix.
“You can search using a YaraVite product name, crop protection product name or by active ingredient and the search will bring up all variations and mixes containing these products,” said Mr Sefton.
Calculations take into account the many variables of mixing different products together, such as application and water rates, he added.
“If a mixability test has not yet been performed, there is the option to request the test to be carried out, which in most cases can be completed by the Yara product development team within a few hours.”
The app has been launched specifically for Apple iPhone, iPad and iTouch and it is free to download from Apple stores. An android version will follow in the coming months.
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