Yields better than thought

“Things are not going so well at the moment due to the bad weather,” said Peter Tegerdine on Norfolk/Cambs border.

With two-thirds of 1360ha (3400ac) of winter wheat cut, yields were average. “They’re slightly better than we thought after the drought.”

He said Einstein was the best variety on heavy land yielding 8.1–11.9t/ha (3.25–4.75t/ac). He also grew Robigus and a small amount of Soissons, but Sokrates milling wheat on sandy land had been disappointing at 6.25t/ha (2.5t/ac).

“Many crops follow our potatoes. The later drilled crops have not done so well, but what we call the ‘wheat farms’ did much better.”

Quality had been very good with bushel weights of 76–82kg/hl.

“We’ve had no Hagberg results yet but I just hope the wet weather hasn’t affected the quality. Overall we’ve had a normal harvest or slightly better this year.”

• Crop: Winter wheat
• Variety: Einstein, Robigus, Soissons, Sokrates
• Area: 1360ha
• Yield: Einstein 8.1-11.9t/ha, Sokrates 6.25t/ha
• Quality: Bushel weight 76-82kg/hl

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