Farm safety show on the road

THE HEALTH & Safety Executive will hold the latest in its series of Farm Safety Awareness days at Chelford Market, Cheshire on Tue 16 Nov.
The HSE is expecting over 300 farmers, many of whom would otherwise have little contact with the HSE, to attend.
The farm safety days form part of the HSE‘s drive to reduce the number of deaths, injuries and incidents of ill health that still occur on many farms across the country.
“Agriculture continues to be one of the most hazardous industries to work in,” said Peter Lennon, the HSE‘s principal agricultural inspector in the North West.
“The event consists of seven practical interactive demonstrations of scenarios that regularly feature in the accident ‘top ten‘ in agricultural and horticultural businesses, including the use of quad bikes, tractor maintenance, work at heights and maintenance of PTOs.”
“Independent assessment of the safety awareness days has shown that 95% of farmers found them valuable and would recommend them to others,” said Mr Lennon.
The event at Chelford market will run in two sessions from 9am and 12.15pm.