Coalition calls for milk price cuts repayment

The dairy coalition is calling for an immediate back payment of the money taken away from farmers following the May and June milk price cuts.

At the time, major processors – Dairy Crest, Robert Wisemans, Arla, Milk Link and First Milk – announced cuts in farmgate milk prices ranging from 1.25-2p/litre.

Following on from the successful #sosdairy campaign that saw planned August milk price cuts abandoned, the coalition is now calling for money lost from the first round of cuts to be reinstated.

They are calling on retailers to deliver on their commitment to develop more sustainable pricing models and say they will be monitoring all market movements to ensure any upturn in the dairy market is reflected in the price paid to farmers for their milk.

“It’s becoming increasingly apparent that some customers of dairy farmers are yet to be convinced of market dynamics,” said NFU president Peter Kendall, speaking on behalf of the coalition.

“Rest assured, we will be writing to engage with those key players in the coming weeks to ensure any market increases are reflected, as they should be, in the price paid to farmers.”

The coalition would continue to meet regularly with processors and those in the food service industry to make sure they understood the cost pressures faced by farmers, he added.

Following on from the launch of the voluntary code of practice two weeks ago, the coalition now plans to form a dairy database to give producers the chance to explore the formation of producer organisations under the upcoming EU dairy package.

Gemma Mackenzie on G+

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