Milk protests to resume at Iceland and Farmfoods

Iceland and Farmfoods will tonight (2 August) become the latest retailers to be targeted as part of dairy farmers’ campaign to win fairer prices for milk.

Dairy farmers say they will renew their milk price protests by blockading two milk processing plants belonging to the companies.

Farmers for Action (FFA) said dozens of farmers were expected to turn out with large machinery in a bid to disrupt milk distribution services.

The first protest will take place outside the Iceland milk distribution centre in Warrington, Cheshire.

The second protest is planned for Farmfoods’ milk distribution centre in Solihull, near Birmingham. Both protests are expected to begin between 8-9pm.

Andrew Hemming, FFA vice chairman, said Iceland and Farmfoods were being targeted because unlike some other major retailers they “have not budged on their milk prices”.

“Neither company has responded at all towards farmers with any positivity over milk prices. Hopefully, we will get a good turnout at both places,” he added.

For more on this topic

Go to our milk price cuts crisis page