New members sought for agricultural appeals panel

The Rural Payments Agency is seeking new people to join the Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel.
IAAP is an advisory non-departmental public body of Defra.
It advises ministers on the merits of decisions taken by the RPA in relation to payments under a wide range of schemes in the EU’s common agricultural policy.
Panels meet to independently consider appeals from farmers and traders against decisions made by the RPA in administering the various schemes it operates. They then make recommendations to the Defra farm minister for his final decision.
The agency is looking for a pool of 30 panel members. Applications close on 16 June 2014.
Read also: How to survive inspections on your farm
RPA customer director Justin Chamberlain said: “We have made significant improvements in the service we provide to customers in recent years and our complaints and appeals process has been overhauled, making it easier than ever for farmers to raise concerns with us.
“We now resolve most issues quickly and very often at the point at which they are raised.
“However, it is important that there is a sufficient pool of people across England to act as panellists when customers do appeal against decisions the Agency has made.”
Full details about the role and how to apply can be found here .