RPA repeats SFP error warning

THE RURAL Payments Agency has highlighted some common errors that continue to be made on single farm payment applications.

It is urging producers to check forms carefully because if they are returned it may mean delays that could incur payment penalties.

The agency has said forms have been returned to applicants because the applicant has not completed at least one line entry on the Field Data Sheet.

It has emphasised that applicants must complete columns I and J if they wish to declare and claim land.

Another common error is the fact that an applicant has made amendments to the claim but has not initialled and dated next to the alterations.

Alternatively, the applicant hasn’t completed question 2 (Establishment of Entitlements Subject to Special Conditions) and question 4 (Activation of Entitlements Subject to Special Conditions) of the SP5a form.

Another common mistake is that the applicant has not signed the declaration on Part S.

DEFRA and the RPA have also repeated their position that they are not able to give individual business advice to applicants.

They have pointed out that a number of organisations specialise in providing this service.

They are as follows:

Country, Land & Business Association (CLA) – Details of regional offices are available on www.cla.org.uk or by telephoning 0207 235 0511

National Farmers Union (NFU) – www.nfuonline.org.uk call centre number: 0870 845 8458

Tenant Farmers Association (TFA) – www.tfa.org.uk Tel: 0118 9306130 email: rebecca@tenant-farmers.org.uk

British Institute of Agricultural Consultants (BIAC) – www.biac.co.uk (this site has a search for a BIAC consultant on it) email: info@biac.co.uk Tel: 01795 830100

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) – RICS “find a surveyor” contact centre 0870 333 1600, email contactrics@rics.org

The Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV) – A full list of members in each area of the country is directly available on the website www.caav.org.uk

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