Single farm payment form-filling guide for 2013

It is the time of year for people to start filling out their 2013 single farm payment application – the deadline is 15 May.
With the scheme now well bedded in, it should be a fairly straightforward process.
But every year there are some common mistakes made by applicants which can slow processing down or even lead to penalties being applied.
Farmers Weekly has spoken to all the devolved regions for some hints and tips on filling in this year’s form.
SP5 code guidance for waterlogged land
Farmers worried about how they should code waterlogged land and crop failures on their SP5 form have been offered new guidance by the Rural Payments Agency.
Online SPS forms get thumbs up from farmers
Almost everyone who filled out their Single Payment Scheme claim form online last year would recommend it, according to latest research.
Over claimers could lose SPS payment
Warning that farmers who are judged to intentionally over claim will face harsher penalties and could even lose their entire single farm payment
Guidance for SAF claims in Wales
Farmers in Wales who have not received their 2013 Single Application Form by 23 March are being urged to contact their Divisional Office.
Map updates need careful check – DARD
Farmers in Northern Ireland are being asked to be extra careful when completing this year’s Single Application Form (SAF) to make sure that updated mapping information is correct.
Scotland aims for mandatory online SAF in future
Scotland’s farmers are also being encouraged to complete their Single Application Form (SAF) online and the Scottish government has said its aim is to move to mandatory online submission in the future.
SPS 2012: Getting the form-filling right