Pig prices continue in right direction

Contract prices are continuing to improve with the Deadweight Average Pig Price moving up to 139.59p/kg and four of the big five shout price operators also moving their quotes up by 2p/kg.

  • This put Woodheads at 142p (up 2p)
  • Gills at 141p (up 2p)
  • Cranswick at 139p (up 1p)
  • Tulip and Vion both at 139p (up 2p)

With reports of dwindling pig availability, spot prices are now ahead of most contract base quotes with spot bacon traded in the 140p – 142p range and 4p – 6p premiums available for Freedom Food and lighter weights.

Cull sow quotes have also been at slightly firmer levels, helped by recent slight improvements in the value of the euro, which closed on Friday worth 83.61p. Export bids have been in the 124p – 128p/kg range depending on specification.

Weaner prices are also marginally firmer with the latest AHDB 30kg ex farm weaner average at £44.85/head. However this sector of the market is being overshadowed by the prospect of rising feed costs, with futures quotes for July wheat now hitting £168/t and ex farm feed wheat quoted at almost £160/t.