Spring brings increased demand for pigmeat

With the approach of Spring, demand for pigmeat improved and spot quotes for week commencing 12 March moved up accordingly.
Spot traders were bidding between 106 – 110p for bacon, but contract prices remained very much in line with the Deadweight Adjusted Pig Price which was almost unmoved at 104.46p.
Cheap imports continued to threaten the domestic pig market with the European “Big Six” producer average at just 84.39p, but for heavier carcass weights with lower bottom-line deductions.
UK cull sow prices reflected the relative negativity of EU pigmeat prices and moved sharply downwards in all UK markets for supplies week commencing 12th March.
This is due to reports of a recent classical swine fever outbreak in Bulgaria and less manufacturing grade pigmeat entering the Russian market because of associated pig health fears.
As a result sow quotes lost anywhere between 4 – 6p according to region and specification.
The Euro has remained firm and opened on Monday worth 68.3p with producers hoping that these levels can be maintained or strengthened.
The weaner market continues to reflect a shortage of pig aviailability, although this has yet to filter through to the Meat and Livestock Commission 30kg ex farm average which remains at £33.82head.
Rising feed prices remain a major talking point amongst all sectors of the industry with reports of forward quotes for feed cereals hitting the £92/t mark.