RW 2010: New book tells story of a thousand farming families
A new book that tells the story of how a ground-breaking project has helped more than a thousand farming families in Wales adapt to the changing rural economy has been launched at the Royal Welsh Show.
Seeds for Change – Action Learning for Innovation reveals the hopes and efforts of people involved in the Agrisgop learning programme.
At the launch Rural Affairs Minister Elin Jones said most farmers were receptive to new ideas and challenges, especially those that arose from discussions with fellow farmers.
“Groups of like-minded farmers brought together to find solutions and identify opportunities will always stimulate action and improvements to farming practice or farming productivity,” she said.
Since 2003 170 Agrisgop groups have been set up by the umbrella body, Menter a Busnes. The book details the progress of these, which include local co-operatives to market Welsh lamb and beef, a brewery and a butcher’s shop.
The book has been co-written by Agrisgop project manager, Eirwen Williams.