Tell Farmers Weekly about your best year in farming

If you cast your mind back over your whole agricultural career, what stands out as your best, happiest, most successful year?

Perhaps it was the year that the weather gods chose not to deliver any nasty surprises and you recorded the farm’s best ever yields.

Perhaps it was the year that you finally took the plunge and invested in that new machine.

You might say it was the year you handed over the reins to the next generation and saw them breathe new life into the old family business.

Or maybe it was the year that your long-awaited diversification project finally (finally!) took off.

Whether it was decades ago, or as recently at 2012, we want to know which year really stand out for you, for all the right reasons.

Email with no more than 300 words, starting with the phrase, “My best year was”. Make sure you include your full name, address and contact details should we need to follow up.

A selection of our favourite stories will be printed in the Farmlife section of Farmers Weekly in the new year.

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Tell us about your best year in farming in our forum

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