livestock, farmer focus:Adrian Harrison

No exciting trips this month, apart from to a naughty boys speed awareness course. It has been a month of sorting out before the stock go inside. This year is different for us as we normally send in calf heifers away for winter. We have had to make austerity measures and make adequate facilities at home to make more efficient use of land, buildings and staff. I’m not sure how it will work out – previously the heifers have been well looked after and it was a great shame not to be able to repeat the same exercise.

I have made some adjustments to the diet and the cows are still outside during the day – really just for fresh air and exercise. The main change is the addition of pressed sugar beet. The quality has improved with an average in month of 5.05 fats and 4.02 proteins. The lactaid yeast is working well pushing up protein.

On 22 October, I ventured to Hawes to meet the Rt Hon William Hague MP. My appointment was a 10-minute slot, so I figured the best thing to do was to take a sheet of facts with me. What first struck me was the number of minders required for the foreign secretary of this country, I felt like a peasant appealing to the local laird. I presented my reasons for the interview and explained what I felt he could do to assist. We had a discussion about the price-sensitive nature of milk and he said his auntie Mary knew the price of everything. The upshot of the meeting was that he promised to put his weight behind the new supermarket ombudsman, and he has forwarded my factsheet to Caroline Spellman for her feedback, so I will update you in due course.

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