Yorkshire dairy farm to host RABDF open day

An award winning Yorkshire dairy farm will this year open its doors as host of RABDF NMR Gold Cup open day.

Farmers visiting Geoff Spences’ Lowfield Farm, Brompton, North Allerton will be able to learn more about the detailed management that is applied to the Mireside Holstein herd of 370 pedigree cows, which last year averaged 10,250 litres at 4% butterfat and 3.2% protein, with a 388 calving interval and 145% replacement rate.

And the team, which are critical to the herds success, are included in the line-up of speakers on the day, including the farm’s consultant Paul Dennison, vet Mark Glover, KW Feed’s Michael Marsden and NMR’s Hannah Pearce.

In addition to walking the unit, visitors will be able to meet the farms many suppliers who are supporting the open day along with KW, the event’s principal sponsor.

The day offers a tremendous opportunity for all producers, regardless of herd size, says RABDF’s chief executive Nick Everington.

“Farmers will not only be able to find out how this practical dairy farming family and their integrated business are succeeding, they will also be able to learn how a finely tuned balance of genetics plus nutrition combined with sound business and technical management are an integral part of operating an efficient and profitable herd.”

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