Future for MLC authentication

FEARS OVER the future of the Meat and Livestock Commission’s independent carcass classification services have retreated.
Concerns that Grampian Country Foods, one of the largest pig processors in the country, would drop MLC services at their Malton and Haverhill abattoirs have now been allayed.
Intervention from the National Pig Association and Grampian suppliers lead the company to retain the MLC service, avoiding the possibility of other large abattoirs following this trend.
Currently 21 medium to large abattoirs use MLC authentication services, assessing weights and grades for almost two thirds of the GB pig kill.
It provides producers with a truly independent weight/grade assessment system at costs ranging between 20p–70p/pig.
The variation in charges is due to abattoir pricing arrangements, where some recoup the basic cost of the service and others also add a margin.
The MLC can also carry out audit and verification procedures to ensure accuracy and fairness throughout the whole deadweight transaction process.
MLC Authentication Services are an independent wing of the MLC established after the demise of livestock subsidy payment schemes over 20 years ago.
The lack of any national pig carcass specification has also concerned producers for many years.
With abattoirs operating a whole range of different pricing/weight and grade specifications, producers often find it hard to make accurate price comparisons.
There have often been cases of similar batches of pigs returning wide variations in grading results from different abattoirs.
Consolidation of the MLC‘s role in carcass classification could lead to more uniformity amongst pig carcass classification in the future.