Great Yorkshire Show 2015: Sheep breed champions
Champion: Mr CW Marwood and Son’s aged ram.
Reserve: Mr TS Hunter’s shearling ewe.
Champion: Mr RH Close’s aged/shearling ram.
Reserve: Mr J Bradley’s ewe.
Derbyshire Gritstone
Champion: S and P Scrivin’s ram.
Reserve: Mr JR Lord’s ram lamb.
Champion: Mr D Thompson’s ram
Reserve: Mr JG Harryman’s ewe lamb.
Lincoln Longwool
Champion: Mrs LMS Fairburn’s shearling ewe
Reserve: Mrs LMS Fairburn’s shearling ram
Champion: S and P Scrivin’s shearling ram
Reserve: Mr SP Morris’ gimmer shearling
North Country Cheviot
Champion: Messrs W and J Thomson’s ram
Reserve: Messrs W and J Thomson’s gimmer.
Rough Fell
Champion: Mr B and Mrs J Knowles’ ewe (rearing lamb in wool).
Reserve: E and K Bland’s ram.
Champion: Mr TW Hutchinson’s shearling ewe.
Reserve: Mr J Dixon’s shearling ram.
Champion: Mr MA Elliott’s aged/shearling ram.
Reserve: Mrs KH Horner’s hogg in wool.
Whitefaced Woodland
Champion: Mrs AD Crampton’s ram.
Reserve: Mrs PA Crosby’s shearling ewe.
Champion: Mr JW Mellin’s aged ram.
Reserve: Boden and Davies’ ram lamb.
Champion: Mr EL Sherwin’s yearling ewe
Reserve: Mr EL Sherwin’s shearing ram.
Champion: Clay Farm’s shearling ram.
Reserve: Mr AJ Thornton’sshearling ewe.