New TB compensation rules

FARMERS WHO receive compensation for cattle affected by bovine tuberculosis or brucellosis will no longer be able to choose their own valuer.

DEFRA announced new compensation arrangements had come into effect on Wed (Aug 4).

In future, where the owner of TB reactors or in-contact animals has not agreed a valuation with the State Veterinary Service, or where it has not been possible to agree on a single jointly-appointed valuer, valuations will performed by a valuer nominated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

The valuation made by RICS will be final and binding on both DEFRA and the farmer.

Jan Rowe, the NFU‘s TB spokesman, said farmers would be watching and waiting to see how things turned out.

“One hopes that the valuer coming in will have sufficient knowledge of the area, and an awareness of the breeding systems in place to make a fair valuation.”