NFU survey suggests support for badger cull
Six out of 10 people support legal culling of badgers to control TB, according to a NFU-commissioned survey.
The union commissioned the independent marketing agency, England Marketing, to carry out an online survey between 15 – 24 May.
It asked 1,032 people questions about farming from across England and Wales, divided across age, gender and region.
The survey found just over two thirds – 68% – were in agreement that cattle can catch bovine TB.
When asked if they believed TB could be spread to cattle by badgers 49% agreed, 41% said they neither agreed nor disagreed and 9.7% said they disagreed or strongly disagreed.
Yet when everyone other than those who said they did not believe badgers could spread TB to cattle were asked if they supported a legal cull of badgers then 62% of people said they did.
There was 60% to 68% support of a legal cull across the country, with the exception of the East Midlands where support fell to 58%.
Support was also higher amongst males than females.
The NFU’s findings are in contrast to a recent BBC survey which suggested that two-thirds of the public were against badger culling.
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