Single-dose vaccines for pigs

Pig producers will now be able to administer vaccines for PRRS and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in one injection.
The news comes after the European Medicines Agency concluded that the freeze dried fraction of Intervet/Schering Plough’s Porcilis PRRS could be dissolved in Porcilis M Hyo and administered as a mixed vaccine within one hour.
The fact this vaccine can be administered in one injection, without compromising efficacy or safety of either vaccine represents an innovation in the field of swine vaccines, says Intervet/Schering Plough’s Alex Eggen.
“Simultaneous use of these vaccines is expected to significantly improve convenience for swine vets, resulting in more efficient husbandry.” As a result, using these vaccines in one shot is likely to lower the cost to the farmer.
“The reduction in number of animal interventions and injections is also likely to reduce stress and may lead to overall improvements in animal welfare,” Mr Eggen adds.