John Bainbridge is glad to have a few lambs to sell

My new mower conditioner has seen action for the first time this week after a few teething problems. Some grass crops are looking quite good, especially where liquid fertiliser was applied. Others are either in need of more rain or have been set upon by rabbits, which appear to have had a successful breeding season this spring.

Shearing began in mid-June with Mule and Swaledale hoggs. Though I cannot say it was a delight to clip them, it was certainly made easier by the fact they were in good condition.

Texel-cross lambs handle quite well with some close to grading. At a time when cashflow goes completely into reverse it is good to have a few lambs to sell to compensate for all the outgoings.

A short time ago I had an enlightening encounter with the Environment Agency when I received a letter accusing me of not paying a fee for the disposal of dip. It said if the invoice was not paid in 28 days there would be severe consequences. However, when I looked in my cheque book the invoice had been paid two months earlier and probably went amiss in the post. The agency did admit their letter gave no allowance for this type of situation, but I have yet to receive an apology.

Reuben my youngest son wanted a day off so I sent him on a sheep management course provided by the local vets. Some pointers he was given will no doubt come in useful.





Farmer Focus Livestock: John Bainbridge

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