Dairy Daughters issues genomic sires catalogue

Dairy Daughters has launched a new catalogue of “genomic sires” which will allow UK dairy farmers access to high genetic-index bulls before they have been progeny-tested.

The catalogue features a range of young bulls whose genetic evaluations are based partly on assessment of their own DNA. This achieves a genetic index with a reliability similar to that obtained from progeny-testing about 30 daughters.

The bulls in the catalogue have been selected for their pedigrees and high predicted indices for a range of traits, including high production, high type, good health and fitness and high £PLI.

This includes sons of bulls such as Ramos, Goldwyn and the outcross Jet Stream. Cow families represented include the Stormatic daughter EK-Oseeana Ambrosia EX95 and the first Shottle son of Harvue Roy Frosty EX95.

Dairy Daughters’ Evans Drayton said providing these high-quality genetics would give breeders a real competitive edge.

“Until now, selecting the best bulls on the basis of progeny test programmes has been the only option, but this has involved a wait of at least four years.

“Now a good reliability can be achieved without waiting, which means there has been a big step in the genetic merit of bulls on the market.”

Using genomically selected bulls also lowers the cost of breeding, as top-ranking bulls are often twice as expensive as semen from young genomic sires.

“Dairy Daughters believes that UK dairy farmers should have the opportunity to take advantage of this leap forward in technology which has the potential to improve their herd performance, their livestock values and their farm’s bottom line,” said Mr Drayton.