More Great Yorkshire beef and sheep results

Judging has continued apace in the sheep and beef sections here today, with a number of other breeds completing their classes, here are the results thus far.

Topping the strong entry of Beltex were the Buckle family with their aged tup, while reserve was David Thornley with his shearling ewe.

In the Texel the Charlie Boden took top honours with his shearling tup, while reserve was the Clark family with their shearling ewe.

Across in the Any Other Native classes the championship went to Terry and Lesley Mead with their ram lamb, the couple then took reserve with their ewe lamb.

Meanwhile, up in the beef lines Roger Birch has just completed a marathon stint judging the Simmental National Show with the championship here going to Boddington Estates with their cow Sterling Dolores Petra, a Sterling Flint daughter with calf at foot. In reserve were Lesley and Norma Pennington with their senior bull Annick Vesuvius, an Innerwick Lancelot son.

Taking the Hereford championship were Aileen and Steve Nesbitt with their senior bull Romany 1 Captain, a Crickley 1 Figurehead son. Reserve here was D B Ellis with January 2009-born bull Leo’s Pride 1, a Rola R271 Dynasty son.

Charolais champion was Mortimers Farm with their cow Mortimers Aphrodite, a Ravensworth Alder daughter shown with her calf at foot. Reserve in these was E D Marshall with Killadeas Barney, an August 2006-born Dunlion Ulick son.TS GY Char Champ.jpgMore results and pics to follow in due course……