Pig prices languish
WEANER, FINISHED pig and cull sow prices face a near universal “stand on” situation for pigs traded in the week commencing Jan 24.
Spot and contract prices took their cue from the almost unchanged GB Euro Deadweight Adjusted Pig Price which is quoted at 99.7p for the week ending 15 Jan.
The DAPP has now moved by less than 1p in value since last September and spot prices are currently following a similar trend.
Spot bacon buyers were generally offering bids within a narrow 98–102p range although some West Country plants were 2–4p ahead of this due to reduced supplies.
Lighter cutter weights were traded in the 104–107p range but indifferent high street demand is putting the lid on any significant increases.
With the European mainland average of 90p undercutting UK prices by a significant margin, more imports are expected to hit the domestic market.
An easing in the value of the euro which opened on Jan 24 at 69.5p is also making imports more attractive than they were at the start of the year, when it was worth almost 71p.
A recent sharp fall in cull sow prices has levelled out with most export abattoirs quoting in the 72–75p range according to load size and availability.
Weaner prices have remained largely static with the MLC 30kg average reported at ÂŁ31.88/head ex farm.
A return to better high street demand could see improved UK spot and contract prices in February, providing EU pigmeat prices also recover from current levels.