115 jobs under threat at Vion’s Scottish plant

Poultrymeat producer Vion has announced it expected to have to make 115 employees redundant from its processing plant in Perthshire, Scotland due to a restructure of the business.

The announcement comes almost one year to the day since Vion announced it was creating 150 jobs at the Coupar Angus plant.

In a release, Vion said the plant was operating at a loss, despite growth at the facility which has seen new, more efficient technology deployed and the number of employees rise from under 600 to 1,100.

Vion also blamed increases in the cost of feed, fuel and energy over the past months, which it could not combat by increasing prices due to fierce competition in the marketplace.

“We regret the need for these proposed changes in our activities announced today, and we have informed our employees of our commitment to consult with them and their trade union,” said Andrew Fisher, operations director of poultry for Vion.

“We are committed to the consultation process being as productive as possible, and we will be looking for every opportunity to minimise job losses.”

Conservative MP for mid-Scotland and Fife, Murdo Fraser, said he was disappointed the jobs were under threat.

“There will be hundreds of families affected by this news and this will be a time of worry for them,” he said.

“Coupar Angus is one of Vion’s best assets. It is vital that Vion keeps all employees fully involved in discussions on how best to take forward proposals for the future of the Coupar Angus facility.”

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