Remember Chuckie Egg? Because I certainly don’t…

I grew up in the glory days of single screen platform gaming. Donkey Kong, Chips Challenge, Impossible Mission, Pitfall, all classics and all in my world of gaming experience.

But I’ve never-ever heard of Chuckie Egg.


Perhaps it’s because I’m from another hemisphere or perhaps, unlike Ed our IT guru (@edmogfw), I didn’t have a fascination as a child for a game where I was an egg farmer.

Nevertheless Ed has found this gem of a game on ‘teh interwebs‘ and before you know it the whole office is echoing with its PC speaker fuelled squeaks.

Here is FW ‘celebrity’ blogger Emily Padfield of Torque Talk testing the game out herself. 


“It’s very chicky(tricky),” says Emily. Sage advice, try it out today!