Morrisons launches pick your own large eggs

Customers will be able to select their own free range hens eggs – based on their size, colour, shape and speckles. They will also be able to buy anything from one single egg in a recycled box, to 30 eggs in a tray from new stands placed next to the fruit and veg.
The supermarket said it was seeking to reassure customers that eggs would not be cracked or smaller than expected.
Read also: Free range flocks soften market
Morrisons bought egg packer Chippindale Foods earlier this year, bringing much of its egg production in house.
Robert Hofman, egg buyer at Morrisons said: “In trials customers have told us that they love selecting their own eggs, have found it has cut down on waste in their homes, and love buying produce from their local area.”
Eggs will cost 22p each, £1 for six, or £5 for 30. In a move that may frustrate marketeers, those sold will all be between 63g-73g – in other words, large.