Wilodge Dallaglio sells for 30,000gns

Leading trade so far is the reserve junior and reserve overall champion Wilodge Dallaglio from Christine Williams and Paul Tippetts. This one has picked up his fair share of winning tickets on the summer show circuit including male champion at the Royal Welsh.

dallagio 3.jpgHe is by the 42,000gns Wilodge Vantastic and is out of the 24,000gns Sarkley Bellola who is proving herself to be a fantastic breeder at Wilodge. Dallaglio sold for 30,000gns to commercial suckler producer Keith Harryman.

Just before that, the overall junior and overall champion Kaprico Davelle from Carol Stafford sold for 18,000gns to John Logan. This one is by Wilodge Tonka and is out of the Gigolo daughter Kaprica Ravelle.overall ch 1.jpg