Debut duo to help combat resistance

Protecting triazole chemistry and contributing to on-farm simplicity are the main attributes of two new products this spring, according to the manufacturer and key distributors selling them.
Ceando and Capalo, from BASF, bring together two compounds, epoxiconazole and metrafenone, while the latter also includes fenpropimorph. Both products deliver broad-spectrum control of the key wheat diseases, says Rosie Bryson, BASF fungicide manager.
“Ceando will be especially useful on mildew- and septoria-susceptible varieties, whereas Capalo is more of a one-solution product against septoria, mildew, rusts and eyespot.”
Using different modes of action is the most secure way of protecting triazole chemistry, she says. “The components of these two products all have different modes of action with no known cross-resistance, which helps support an anti-resistance strategy. “Although metrafenone is not a septoria product, trials data suggest it adds to epoxiconazole in terms of control.”
Both products also help reduce time for the farmer in terms of mixing and reduce packaging waste, she suggests.
As ever, price is closely guarded, although distributors suggest the products will be competitive.
Mark Hemmant of Agrovista believes Ceando is a cost-effective, easy-to-use product which provides septoria, mildew, rust and useful eyespot control in one can.
“As metrafenone has septoria activity, albeit at a low level of around 25%, it is a useful addition to epoxiconazole. Anything mixed with a triazole to improve septoria control can only be good.”
Last year Agrovista trials demonstrated around 0.2t/ha benefit in septoria situations from metrafenone. “Metrafenone is also one of the best mildew products available and, with a significant proportion of mildew-susceptible crops in the ground this year, Ceando could potentially fit everywhere.”
Higher doses will be needed to get the most from Ceando’s eyespot activity, he notes. “It may need to be preceded with an eyespot material at T0 or mixed with an additional product.”
Mr Hemmant anticipates Ceando will be used with or without chlorothalonil at half dose (0.75 litres/ha) at T1 and three quarter rate (1.125 litres/ha) at T2 with the option of adding in a strobilurin at the T2 timing. “It could also have a fit at T0, but can only be used twice in one crop,” he says.
ProCam‘s David Ellerton considers Capalo to be a flexible, all-round product. “Its key position will be in wheat at T1 and T2 it doesn’t fit as a T0 product and is more difficult to position in barley.
“The addition of metrafenone and fenpropimorph will fill the eyespot and mildew gaps of epoxiconazole, while both will also contribute a useful level of septoria control.”
Dr Ellerton will use Capalo at half to three-quarter rate (1.0-1.5 litres/ha) to have enough epoxiconazole for septoria control, with the higher rate used in eyespot situations and on more septoria-prone varieties in the west. “The half rate would be good enough for mildew, but would need to be topped up with either Unix (cyprodinil) or prochloraz to cover the low-rate weakness of metrafenone against eyespot.”
Frontier’s Bob Mills plans to use Capalo primarily at T1, especially on second wheats in eyespot situations, at a three-quarter rate, or in any situation where mildew is an issue. “It also has a fit at T2 if mildew, septoria and rust are present and could be mixed with a strobilurin, although this would be quite pricey,” he says.
Another advantage of Capalo is reducing the number of products required for tank mixing at a time of year when growth regulation, trace element and broadleaved weed control may also be required, he adds. “It also has a wide tank mix list.”
fungicide facts
Metrafenone 75g/litre + epoxiconazole 62.5g/litre + fenpropimorph 200g/litre
Usage rates 1.0 – 1.5 litres/ha
Half rate (1.0 litre/ha) delivers half-rate Opus, quarter-rate Flexity and roughly quarter-rate Corbel
Available from UAP, ProCam, Frontier & CSC Cropcare
Metrafenone 100g/litre + epoxiconazole 83g/litre
Usage rates 0.75-1.125 litres/ha
Half rate (0.75 litres/ha) delivers half-rate Opus, quarter-rate Flexity
Available from Agrovista & Brown Butlin
capalo & ceando
Q Broad spectrum products
Q Protecting triazole chemistry
Q Additional control of septoria from metrafenone (25%)
Q Need to top up for eyespot control
Q Reduces mixing time and packaging waste
Q Both products LERAP B