All articles about Chaser bins

For efficient haulage off the combine plus minimum soil compaction impact – especially with controlled traffic farming (CT) – chaser bins from Cross, Horsch, Perard, Richard Western, Hawe, Bergmann, Annaburger, Gustrower and the like.

Case studies


Diverse workload justifies huge self-propelled chaser

Last winter's biblically wet sugar beet harvest had growers frantically scrabbling to get crops out of the field and, for Nigel Harrison, it was the nudge he needed to invest…

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Video: Smart Ag driverless tractor is labour-saving reality

A small-time Iowan company has beaten the farm machinery big guns to the launch of a driverless grain-carting tractor that, with a bit of tinkering, could be adapted to cultivate,…

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