Archive Article: 1997/11/14

14 November 1997

REG HARMER is retired now but still lives in the centuries old farmhouse in which he was born, in the market square in Alfriston, Sussex. His son now runs the 48ha (120-acre) farm on which he keeps a suckler herd, and Reg enjoys some support from RABI.

While the war thwarted his musical ambitions and his fathers illness obliged him to return to the family farm on demobilisation, Reg has been a lifelong musician.

He was a founder member of the Eastbourne Symphony Orchestra and a regular player with the Eastbourne Orchestral Society for 44 years. He is often called upon to play with musical groups and attends two musical rehearsals a week. So it is not surprising that he chose Straw in My Fiddle as the title for the autobiography he recently completed and for which he seeks a publisher.

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