Archive Article: 1998/09/11

11 September 1998


uMAIZE varieties previously on offer from Johnsons Seeds will now be supplied by the Avanta group. According to Mommer-steeg, part of the Avanta group, Johnsons Seeds was absent from the National Forage Maize Day because it has been taken over. The varieties previously sold by Johnsons Seeds include Hudson, Advance, Agib, Rasant, Reinold, Renard, Scarlet and Trophee.

uDO not order the tallest variety, producers were warned at the event. The Italian maize variety Doge, on Huntseeds plots, was the tallest crop there. "But height means nothing," warned the companys Nigel Jones. "Doge would grow to 20ft, but it is useless for growing in the UK. No cob will form in time for harvest." Mr Jones said that yield potential is not related to crop height.

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