Archive Article: 2000/03/31

31 March 2000


We originally wondered whether the place was once the site of a stray animal pound, says Hazel Broom, who lives at this curiously-named farmhouse, at Clyst St George, Devon.

But Hazel, whose home it has been for more than 40 years, favours another theory nowadays – that back in the 1600s, the property and 18 acres of land was let at a rent of one pound a quarter. "It could have been a fair rent back then," says Hazel.

The house, of course, has changed a lot in more recent years. "Donkeys years ago, it was thatched – and, more recently, a dual carriageway has been built right outside the door."

The "Living" part of the name could, says Hazel, be an old West-County word for dwelling. "There are a lot of places in this part of the world called Living."

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