Archive Article: 2000/04/28

28 April 2000

&#8226 MAIZE distillers grains could replace soya in the diets of UK dairy cows following a study which shows no difference in rumen fermentation when either is fed.

If this CEDAR studys results translate into no difference in milk yield, as expected, it could allow concentrate costs to fall, explained George Perrott of Trident Feeds which sponsored the study.

In addition, because maize distillers grains are available containing French maize processed in Scotland, it is not coming from a genetically modified source, he added.

&#8226 LOW dry matter slurry can be applied to silage ground up to two weeks before ensiling and has no effect on silage palatability, quality or microbial contamination.

This is according to MDC-funded trial work at ADAS Bridgets, where grass plots for silage were treated with 3% DM slurry to see whether this would affect acceptability and palatability of grass silage to cows, said Richard Allison.

Its effects were negligible on both, he said, but cautioned producers to not adopt these findings, unless there slurry was of a similar dry matter.

&#8226 COWS fed maize silage and sugar beet pulp achieved higher dry matter intakes than those fed ad-lib grass silage, concluded an SAC Crichton Royal study.

Results showed that sugar beet pulp was effective in reducing effluent when ensiled with low dry matter maize silage and also boosted dry matter intakes.

&#8226 COWS fed maize silage and sugar beet pulp achieved higher dry matter intakes than those fed ad-lib grass silage, concluded an SAC Crichton Royal study.

Results showed that sugar beet pulp was effective in reducing effluent when ensiled with low dry matter maize silage and also boosted dry matter intakes.

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