Archive Article: 2000/05/12

12 May 2000

&#8226 THE charity Milk for Schools has accepted a one-year official sponsorship from Welsh organic yogurt producer Horizon/Rachels Organic Dairy. The money will be used to raise awareness of the EU school milk subsidy scheme and encourage secondary schools to introduce vending machines selling dairy products.

&#8226 FARMERS in East Yorkshire are the focus of a new campaign to cut the high suicide rate and alleviate rural stress. Over 60,000 helpline cards will be distributed to mark the launch of the East Yorkshire Rural Stress Initiative on May 23, which will emphasise that it is "OK to ask for help". The card will carry the numbers of The Samaritans 0345-909090, NHS Direct 0845-4647, and RABI 01865-727888.

&#8226 SUPERMARKET managers got the chance to see for themselves exactly how food is produced when they visited a mixed farm in Herefordshire last week. The managers – who came from branches in Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Birmingham – were shown livestock, cereal, soft and top fruit enterprises. Organised by the NFU, the aim of the day was to break down barriers and improve communication.

&#8226 FED up with rural crime? Then, here is your chance to help strike back. The Countryside Alliance is compiling a report of serious incidents in rural areas and the adequacy of policing. Its report will be presented to the Home Secretary during discussions on the Rural White Paper. If you would like to contribute information about serious crimes such as burglary or assault, send brief details to Nigel Burke, head of Policy, Countryside Alliance, 367 Kennington Rd, London SE11 4PT. Please state whether the incident was reported to the police, the distance to the nearest manned police station and the response time. Replies will treated in strict confidence.

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