Archive Article: 2001/02/02
NEARLY 5000 people registered for the Countryside March in London within 72 hours of a unique joint promotion launched on Friday by farmers weekly, Horse and Hound, Country Life and Shooting Times.
About 120,000 people have now pledged to attend the mass protest in London on March 18, which will begin at 9.30am at Temple Place, Embankment.
After winning such widespread support six weeks in advance of the protest, the organisers hope to better the attendance of about 300,000 at the last Countryside March three years ago.
If you would like to register your support, phone the march hotline (0906-7881680).
Calls will be charged at £1/min and cannot be made from mobile phones or some phones which bar the use of premium rate numbers. The money will be used to cover administration costs.
The hotline will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you experience difficulties in registering, contact the Countryside Alliance on 020-7582 5432.
Meanwhile, after our offer of free protest posters carrying the message: Back Our Farmers Mr Blair (News, Jan 26), FWs editorial office has been flooded with requests for almost 800 copies. We still have some left so if you would like to put it to Tony Blair straight, with the help of one of our posters, do not hesitate to contact us.
We will even pay for postage.
For your copy of what every well-equipped marcher will be carrying next month, simply phone (020-8652 4911), fax (020-8652 4005) or e-mail (
If you have a spare seat or seats to offer for the journey to London on March 18, or would like to benefit from those who do, take advantage of our Rural Rides notice board on FWi.
Do not worry if you do not have a computer, we will publish a selection of the offers and requests for lifts in News over the coming weeks.