Archive Article: 2001/02/09
Andrew Keeler
Andrew Keeler farms with
his parents at Church Farm,
Aylsham, Norfolk. Sugar
beet, potatoes, winter
wheat and premium malting
barley are grown on the
32ha (80 acre) farm
POTATO grading is proceeding at a pace. Two weeks ago we hit a small area of soft rots but it seems to have been a narrow line across the store and by hand loading we have removed the rots before the grader and maintained the quality of product leaving the farm.
Our theory is that the rots were where we started harvesting again after a break due to rain and the potatoes were still a bit wet when they went into store.
Would we be better to go into box storage? Would this give us better control over the crop in store? Is the capital cost going to be too great on our area? These are all questions that we will have to find the answers to. I can see advantages: Less handling, being able to keep wetter boxes near the front of the store, and, if there is any trouble in the boxes, moving them out without having to hastily sell a lot of potatoes.
If anyone can help answer these questions or has helpful information on a low-tech box store, perhaps you could e-mail me on
Januarys drier weather allowed us to finish ploughing and apply P and K to winter barley. It was the first time I have travelled over the entire crop and despite the weather conditions I must say it looks well.
More wheat has left the farm. It should have gone in December but sugar beet haulage meant no lorries were available that could fit into our yard. Unfortunately, the first load was rejected for 16.4% moisture content, but a new home was quickly found and it went in costing us just the extra haulage. The next load was 14% and the rest of the batch went with no problem. The balance, about 30t has been sold for April delivery and the price has risen to £70/t. Perhaps we were too hasty to sell the bulk of the crop, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. *
A spot of soft rot in store has prompted Andrew Keeler to look at box storage for spuds. Any suggestions suitable for a 32ha farm?