Archive Article: 2001/03/02
2 March 2001
Puppy love… Blue Peter presenter Matt Baker named his new Border Collie pup on the show on Monday. Meg is the eighth dog to appear on the Childrens BBC programme and follows in such illustrious footsteps – sorry, pawprints – as those of Petra, Shep and Goldie.
Retired farmer Bill Skidmore and his daughter Jean Howes from Waisingham in Weardale were thrilled to be given the opportunity to provide Matt with a pup when approached by Derek Bowmer of Catterick who taught Matt how to train sheepdogs when he was a boy.
Viewers will be able to watch Megs progress, including her work on Matts familys Co Durham farm. Shes already proving to be a great friend, he says. "I cant wait to take her out and start her training."
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