Archive Article: 2001/07/27

27 July 2001

uFRANCE is tightening its controls on sheepmeat, as a precaution against the possible transfer of scrapie to the human food chain. With immediate effect, the entire head of all sheep will have to be destroyed, whatever the age, except for cheek muscle and tongue. The brains of sheep over six-months-old must also be removed, as will spinal cord from next January.

uEU vets have extended the export restrictions on Spanish pigs and pig products after further outbreaks of classical swine fever. The country has now reported 23 cases, almost double the number in the UK last year. The export ban, due to expire on July 30, has been prolonged until Sept 15. It covers a wide area around Catalonia, Valencia, la Mancha and Aragon.

uTHE Netherlands has discovered its 11th case of BSE this year, taking the cumulative total for the country to 19. The seven-year-old cow and another 105 in her herd have been slaughtered. Cases also continue to appear in Germany, which has now recorded 82 outbreaks this year.

uDUBLIN has announced an extension to the deadline for farmers and agri-businesses to apply for grants under the new marketing and processing scheme. Funding of 40% is available towards the cost of new capital investment. The extension from the previous July 27 deadline to Sept 14, will give applicants more time to sort out the paperwork during the holiday period. &#42

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