Archive Article: 2001/12/14

14 December 2001

Robert and Vicky Hislop

A POPULAR kindergarten for children between the ages of two and five is run from Sprays Farm at Clastone in Wiltshire. Ten years ago Robert and Vicky Hislop needed to find another income to complement their 140 Friesian Holsteins.

With four small children of their own and others constantly in and out of the house it seemed a natural progression for Vicky to think of childminding. A social worker suggested running a day nursery and from small beginnings they now have 36 children attending.

Planning permission for a change of use for two little-used rooms was quite straightforward, but permission to extend the building produced a few problems. "People were obviously anxious as to what we were going to do and there was concern about the amount of traffic that might be generated," said Vicky. But these were soon overcome and five full-time and two part-time local people are now employed at the nursery.

Little toilets, hand basins and a nappy changing facility were the first main investment, and for safety, toughened glass and radiator covers were installed. Although several grants were applied for only one was successful, for a small after-school club for five to eight-year-olds. When the nursery first opened advertisements were put in the local paper and flyers were delivered to key meeting places such as the health centre. But it is word of mouth that Vicky believes has brought them more custom than advertising.

"What makes the nursery special," said Vicky, "is that it runs with the seasons. In the springtime we see the chicks hatch and in the autumn they watch the maize being harvested." The days work is built around the farm and countryside. About four years ago Robert put in a new parlour with a viewing window for the children so the cows could be watched during milking.

The next move is franchising onto other farms. Vicky added: "We dont want to get any bigger because I think it would spoil the atmosphere we have, but I would like to see other farmers wives taking it up. If you have a real love for your choice of diversification then you can make it work – you can always buy in the extra skills, in our case a qualified teacher.

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