Bellman son makes ground

21 August 1998

Bellman son makes ground

ENTERING the top four US sires ranked on its Type and Production Index (TPI) is Pen-Col Decision.

A Bellman son, Decisions UK conversion shows £125 PIN and £126 ITEM, with 1115kg milk, 32.8kg fat, (-0.12%) and 34kg (+0.02) protein, at 77% reliability.

Top of the TPI list is French sire Celcius, with US bull Ha-Ho Cubby Manfred in second position, having gained points since the last proof run.

Manfreds UK-converted proof is £125 PIN and +1.01 type merit. &#42

US proven bulls on TPI


Celcius(Fr) 1898

Manfred 1705 125

Bellwood 1685

Decision 1677 125

Thad 1660

See more