Big shop window puts Denmarks best on display

25 January 2002

Big shop window puts Denmarks best on display

The first of the years big

European agricultural

events kicked off this week

with Denmarks Agromek

show. With 580

companies exhibiting their

latest developments, the

shows 80,000 visitors

had plenty to see.

Andy Collings reports

WITH more than two-thirds of Denmarks total farm production being exported – worth DK55bn in foreign exchange – little wonder the country puts such a great emphasis on promoting its products.

Prime shop window for the industry is Agromek, which, held at Herning each year, provides Denmarks farmers with a chance to glean all that is new in the industry. It is also an event for which Denmark extends many invitations to overseas visitors, ensuring, no doubt, that essential business connections are established and maintained.

It is a policy which has clearly had results. In 1980 total exports amounted to a little over DK28bn, rising to nearly DK49bn in 1990 and now to the current DK55bn. More interesting perhaps, is to know that Denmark only imports operational materials to the tune of DK15bn, a surplus of DK40bn. &#42

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